脱引きこもりを目指して外出した矢先、交通事故にあった女子高生の白井星奈は、目が覚めるとなぜかファンタジー世界に転生! 周囲から魔女と恐れられ、誰も来ない森の奥で脱ヒキをあきらめようとしたその時、青年が魔女の家を訪れて……!?
High school student Sena Shirai is just about to leave behind her shut-in lifestyle and join the outside world, when she becomes the victim of a traffic accident. When she opens her eyes, she’s somehow been reborn into a fantasy world! However, everyone around her fears her as a witch, so she reverts to her former habits and lives a lonely life in the woods, until one day when… a young man comes to see the witch?!