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Skeleton Soldier Couldn’t Protect the Dungeon
Status Ongoing
Type Manhwa

Skeleton Soldier Couldn’t Protect the Dungeon

Alternative Titles Gaikotsu heishi wa Danjon o mamorenakatta, Skeletal Soldiers Could Not Protect the Dungeon, Skeleton Soldier, The Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon, 해골병사는 던전을 지키지 못했다, 骸骨兵士はダンジョンを守れなかった

Synopsis Skeleton Soldier Couldn’t Protect the Dungeon

“지키기 위해서 나는 강해진다!” 이름 없는 일개 몬스터 ‘해골병사’. 자신의 주인인 서큐버스를 지키지 못한채 죽임을 당한다. 그러나, 갑자기 20년 전으로 돌아간다?! 일생일대의 최대의 기회! 자신이 지키기 못한 서큐버스를 위해서 해골은 성장해 나간다!

His only purpose was to protect his master. And yet he was powerless to protect her. But fate has more in store for him as he gets another chance to protect his master once more and change his destiny.

Released 2018
Author Sosor, Wolhet
Serialization N/A
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Chapter Skeleton Soldier Couldn’t Protect the Dungeon