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Status Ongoing
Type Manhwa


Alternative Titles 패스파인더, パスファインダー, 探险者, 패스파인더

Synopsis Pathfinder

소원을 이뤄 주는 화폐 ‘패스’를 찾아다니는 패스파인더.

평범한 취준생인 가람은 충동적인 생각으로 이계로 떠나게 된다.
가는 것까지는 좋았지만, 돌아와 보니 원래 세상은
사람과 동물이 모두 사라진 유령 도시가 되어 버렸다.

가족과 원래 세계를 되찾으려면
‘패스’를 모아 소원을 빌어야 한다는 사실을 알게 되는데.

언제 눈사태에 휩쓸릴지 모를 설산부터
숨 쉬기도 어려운 심해, 지옥 같은 미궁 등
험난한 곳에만 있는 패스들 때문에 고난의 연속이다.

장소를 가리지 않고 나타나는 패스를 찾아가야 하는 운명에 놓인 가람은
과연 이 모든 것을 극복하고 원래 세계로 돌아갈 수 있을까.

Pathfinders have one mission. To find “Paths” that grant wishes for a price.

Garam suddenly finds herself in a strange world as a pathfinder.

The moment she became a pathfinder, her family, home and everything back on earth disappears. She now has to set out on a journey to get her family back.

Released 2021
Author Yeowang, YOON Jiseon
Artist Hongpit
Serialization Kakaopage (Kakao)
Posted On
Updated On
Keywords: read pathfinder, pathfinder english, pathfinder eng, download pathfinder eng, read pathfinder online

Chapter Pathfinder