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Paripi Koumei
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Paripi Koumei

Alternative Titles パリピ孔明, Paripi Komei, Ya Boy Kongming!, Тусовщик Кунмин, パリピ孔明

Synopsis Paripi Koumei

五丈原の戦いで死期を迎えた名軍師・諸葛亮孔明は、若い肉体に戻り、現代日本へと転生した! 渋谷のパリピ達に誘われ、たどり着いたのはダンスミュージックが鳴り響くチャラめなクラブ。そこでシンガーを目指す月見英子と出逢い、孔明の二度目の人生が幕を開けた! 三国志時代、天下泰平のために生きた彼は、なんの為に生きるのか--!!

General of the Three Kingdoms, Kongming had struggled his whole life, facing countless battles that made him into the accomplished strategist he was. So on his deathbed, he wished only to be reborn into a peaceful world…and was sent straight to modern-day party-central, Tokyo! Can even a brilliant strategist like Kongming adapt to the wild beats and even wilder party people?

Released 2019
Author YOTSUBA Yuuto
Artist OGAWA Ryou
Serialization Young Magazine (Kodansha)
Posted On
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Chapter Paripi Koumei