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Ookami Shounen Magami-kun
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Ookami Shounen Magami-kun

Alternative Titles Wolf Boy Magami-kun, Wolf Boy: Magami-kun, 狼少年真神くん, 狼少年真神くん

Synopsis Ookami Shounen Magami-kun

黄昏時に川辺を通ったまひるは、ひとりの美しい少年を見かける。翌日、高校のクラスメイトとして彼と再会。謎が多いその少年・シオは、影が薄いまひるのことがなぜか気になるようで…。ある時まひるは、シオの家の重大な秘密を知ってしまい!? ピュアでまっすぐな異種族親交記。

Passing by the riverside at twilight, Mahiru sees a beautiful boy. The next day, she meets him again as a high school classmate. The boy, Shio, is a bit of a mystery, but for some reason he seems to be interested in the shadowy Mahiru. One day, Mahiru discovers a big secret about Shio’s family! A pure and simple story of different races and friendships.

Released 2024
Author AOI Nuwi
Artist AOI Nuwi
Serialization Web Comic Zenyon (Coamix)
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Keywords: read ookami shounen magami-kun, ookami shounen magami-kun english, ookami shounen magami-kun eng, download ookami shounen magami-kun eng, read ookami shounen magami-kun online