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Moumoku no Koushaku Reijou ni Tensei shimashita
Moumoku no Koushaku Reijou ni Tensei shimashita
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Moumoku no Koushaku Reijou ni Tensei shimashita

Alternative Titles I Was Reincarnated as a Duke’s Blind Daughter, Reincarnated as the Duke's Blind Daughter, 盲目の公爵令嬢に転生しました, 盲眼的公爵千金之转生后的生活

Synopsis Moumoku no Koushaku Reijou ni Tensei shimashita

ある日突然ファンタジー世界の住人に転生した、盲目の公爵令嬢アリシア。前世は病弱でずっと入院生活だったため、今世は盲目でも自由気ままに楽しもうと決意! ひょんなことから仲良くなった第五王子のカイルと全力で遊んだり、魔法の特訓をしたり……転生ライフを思う存分満喫していた。しかしアリシアの成長と共に不可解な出来事が起こり始める。この世界は、どうやらただのファンタジー世界ではないようで……? お転婆令嬢の波乱万丈ファンタジーが待望のコミカライズ!

I was born weak and passed away at the age of 18 due to illness. Before I died, I made a wish to be born again.

It came true, but I was born blind. Little by little, I came to know the gaps between the previous world and present one thanks to my fiancé. This is the story of the Duke’s only daughter.

Original Web Publication

Released 2021
Author NAMIKO Makoto
Artist AOGAMI Kazuki
Serialization AlphaPolis Web Manga (AlphaPolis)
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