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Midori no Mahou to Kaori no Tsukaite
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Midori no Mahou to Kaori no Tsukaite

Alternative Titles 緑の魔法と香りの使い手, A user of green magic and fragrance

Synopsis Midori no Mahou to Kaori no Tsukaite

ハーブ好きな女子大生の美鈴は、ある日気づくと緑豊かな森にいた。そこはなんと、魔力と魔物が存在する異世界! 魔物に襲われそうになった彼女を助けてくれたのは、狩人のアレックスだった。美鈴はお礼に彼のケガの手当てを申し出る。ハーブを使って湿布をすると、呪いで動かなくなっていた彼の腕がたちまち動くようになり……!?  女神にもらったハーブの魔法で異世界を癒やす転生ファンタジー、待望のコミカライズ!

Misuzu, a female college student who loves herbs, noticed one day in a lush forest. What a different world where magical power and monsters exist! It was the hunter Alex who helped her when she was about to be attacked by a monster. Misuzu offers to treat his injury in gratitude. When a compress is applied using herbs, his arm, which had been stuck due to a curse, immediately moves …!? A reincarnation fantasy that heals a different world with the magic of herbs given by the goddess, the long-awaited comicalization!

Released 2020
Author TOKI Megu
Artist Mamezou (II)
Serialization Regina (AlphaPolis)
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