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Kikyuuden no Shisha no Ou
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Kikyuuden no Shisha no Ou

Alternative Titles The Undead Lord of the Palace of Darkness, Kuraki Kyuuden no Shisha no Ou, 昏き宮殿の死者の王

Synopsis Kikyuuden no Shisha no Ou


最弱のアンデッド vs 最凶のネクロマンサー vs 最強の終焉騎士団の三つ巴の戦いが織り成すダークファンタジー!!

…I don’t want to die. I want to be free.
If a monster is what I have to become to be free, then that is what I will resign myself to.

Striking the infected with incessant pain that runs throughout the body, a strange, debilitating, and deadly illness. The life of the boy who had suffered several years with this affliction had come to end with little time for him to despair as he died without an attendant by his side. When he awoke again, he had been made into the lowest ranked undead by an evil necromancer. Though the boy rejoiced at having obtained a body that could not feel pain, he immediately realized that he was still at the mercy of others. There was no large difference between his present situation and being confined in bed. However, the world could not leave the boy alone when he wished to be at peace.

With freedom as his goal, what he needed was prudence and power. Occasionally running, fighting, fearful, and hesitant, this is the story of the cowardly King of Undead as he seeks to be free.

Released 2020
Author Tsukikage (槻影)
Artist Merontomari
Serialization Comic Walker (Kadokawa)Dengeki Playstation (ASCII Media Works)
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