大戦で自国を勝利に導き、英雄と称えられる盲目の剣聖アデル。けれど、彼は絶望の中にいたーー。 なぜなら生涯の忠誠を捧げたユーフィニア姫を戦火から守り切ることができず失ってしまったから…。 「願わくば、もう一度姫様にお会いしたい」 その切なる願いは高次の存在に聞き届けられ、アデルは姫が生きる過去へと送られる。 ところが、その姿は美少女になっていてーー!? 〝剣聖〟と〝聖女〟の力を併せ持つ超カワイイ『剣聖女』が無双する、巻き戻り英雄譚、ここに開幕!!
Hailed as the hero for leading his country to victory from a great war, the blind Sword Saint Adel is now in despair. Unfortunately, he failed to protect his benefactor, Princess Euphinea, whom he dedicated his entire life to.”I want to meet the princess once again,” he muttered, wishing deeply that his prayers would be answered. A mysterious being, having heard his plea, granted his prayers, and he was sent back to the past, to a time when the princess is still alive.Unexpectedly, the Sword Saint (♂) has been transformed into a super-duper cute Sword Saintess (♀), and her heroic tale of unrivaled power will once again take place.