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Isekai Metara
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Isekai Metara

Alternative Titles Another World Metaller, 異世界メタラー

Synopsis Isekai Metara

メタルを深く愛するアレキは、バンドの解散ライブで悲しみに暮れる中、機材トラブルで感電事故に遭う……。そして目が覚めると異世界に転移していた!? 異世界では、狼男、ドラゴンと『メタラーの夢』であるシチュエーションに次々遭遇し、興奮するアレキ。メタル魂で異世界を平和に導こうとするが……。

Alex, a devoted metalhead, finds himself in deep sorrow at his band’s breakup concert. Amidst the sadness, he experiences an electrical accident due to equipment trouble… When he wakes up, he discovers he has been transported to another world! In this new world, Alex encounters situations that are a ‘metalhead’s dream,’ featuring werewolves and dragons, which excite him immensely. Determined to lead this otherworld to peace with his metal spirit, Alex sets out on an adventurous journey…Original Web Manga

Released 2024
Author KASUGA Ryuu. [Add, ]
Artist KASUGA Ryuu. [Add, ]
Serialization Comiplex (Heros)
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