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Her Summon
Status Ongoing
Type Manhwa

Her Summon

Alternative Titles 她的召唤兽, 그녀의 소환수

Synopsis Her Summon

걸그룹 덕후 ‘진경’은 TV 인터뷰에서 찰나의 말실수로 인해 온라인상 신상털이와 마녀사냥을 당하고 정신질환을 얻는다. 그로부터 3년 뒤, 사회와 벽을 쌓고 완전한 방구석 폐인이 되어버린 그는 현실의 인간에게 느낀 배신감 때문에 오로지 2차원의 세상만을 사랑하는 오덕후가 되어있었다! 오덕후의 일상이 계속되던 어느 날, 진경은 알 수 없는 현상으로 ‘이세계’에 소환되고, 그 곳에서 자신을 보며 눈을 빛내는 소환사를 마주하는데… ‘이세계’에서 진경은 정신질환의 증세도 전혀 느끼지 않고, 상상에서나 가능한 능력을 발휘하여 마물을 제압하는 그야말로 강력한 소환수!! 전직 걸그룹 짱짱팬, 현직 2D 오덕후인 소환수 진경과 어설픈 초보 소환사 헤이즈가 함께하는 마물 토벌 여정이 지금 시작된다!

3 years after he shuts himself away from society, surrounding himself with 2D friends… Otaku Jinkyung finds himself summoned to another world by a petite summoner who needs help…!

Due to a misuse of a word joke on live TV broadcast, girl group otaku, ‘Jin-Kyung’ ended up becoming doxxed and labeled as a “child predator”, and ended up getting Social Anxiety Disorder. 3 years later, because of his past incident from the 3D world, his love for only the 2D world manifested, and ended up becoming a “Shut-In Otaku”! Then one day, as Jin-Kyung was no-lifing as usual, he was summoned to ‘Another World’, and came face-to-face with a bright-eyed, hopeful Summoner… Interesting enough, in the world that Jin-Kyung was summoned to, his Social Anxiety Disorder disappeared, and he was also able to wield immense power, and became the strongest summoned being there ever was!! The story of a former girl group otaku turned powerful 2D otaku, and the story of a weak and feeble Summoner commences now!

Released 2018-2021
Author PARK Jin-Joon
Artist PARK Jin-Joon
Serialization -
Posted On
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Keywords: read her summon, her summon english, her summon eng, download her summon eng, read her summon online

Chapter Her Summon