クラスでぼっちな俺・前原真樹に、初めてできた友だち・朝凪海。いつも輪の中心にいて、他の男子からは『クラスで2番目に可愛い』と陰で噂される朝凪さん。日陰者の俺なんかと住む世界が違う――と思いきや、まさかのB級映画好き!? ひょんなことから友だちになった朝凪さんは、金曜日の放課後だけこっそり俺の家に遊びに来る。映画にゲーム、漫画の趣味も合う彼女との楽しいひととき。「早く隣に座りなよー、一緒に漫画読むんだから」 「ここ俺のベッド……」 「今だけは私のベッドなの。ほら、おいで?」 距離近くないか、朝凪さん?
I, Maehara Maki, someone who couldn’t make any acquaintances or friends in high school, finally had someone I can hang out with outside of school. A girl.Her name was Asanagi-san. The boys in my class called her ‘The class’ second cutest girl’ behind her back.On Fridays, she would refuse her best friend, Amami, ‘the cutest girl in class’ invitation just to hang out in my house with me.Together, we played games, watched some movies, read some manga while eating junk foods like pizza and hamburgers, and chugging cola without a care in the world. To others, we may seem sloppy, but it was a precious, secret time together for Asanagi-san and myself.