少年野球チームのない町に育った石浜ブンゴは買い与えてもらったボールをブロック塀に投げ込む毎日。そんな「壁当て」に心血を注ぐブンゴのもとに、少年野球日本代表の野田ユキオが現れて、二人は予期せぬ対決へ…!! のちに中学校で邂逅した二人は、揃って超強豪「静央シニア」へ入団する──!! 甲子園のための甲子園を超える死闘、中学野球で、少年達の情熱が乱れ弾ける──!!
In a town with no baseball team, young Bungo spends his days throwing the ball he received as a gift against a wall until Yukio Noda, Japanese representative youth baseball player, appears before him and an unexpected showdown ensues! After a chance meeting in middle school, these two enroll in Seio Senior where they struggle to make it to Koshien with everything they have.