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Ayakashi no Sougiya
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Ayakashi no Sougiya

Alternative Titles あやかしの葬儀屋, Ayakashi No Sougiya

Synopsis Ayakashi no Sougiya

あやかしの死に、穢れあり。 それは土地を蝕み、時に化け者を生む、不浄なる存在。 これは穢れを祓い、異形の死を見つめる、 “あやかしの葬儀屋”の物語――

Ayakashi are dead and unclean. They are an impure existence that corrode the land and sometimes give birth to monsters. This is a story of an “ayakashi mortician” who exorcises the defilement and observes the death of the deformed.

Released 2024
Author あおたゆきこ
Artist あおたゆきこ
Serialization Sunday Web Every (Shogakukan)
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